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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Mother's Heart // I Can't Assume They Know

Many Hats to be Worn

I wear many "hats" in my life, as I’m sure most women do. I wear the "hat" of being a wife to my wonderful husband, a mother to my beautiful children, and a pastor to the best church in the world, an advisor to our Bible College students, a daughter and a sister.

Although I am extremely blessed to be a stay-at-home mom and do minimal work from home for the Bible College, I have noticed that my two oldest girls, Bethany and Hannah, crave so much of my attention. Even though I am with them for practically 10 hours a day, (minus their naps times), I have realized that what they crave from me is quality time.

Quality Time

Since I had Lucas, almost 5 months ago, I feel that my life as a mom has become super busy! Between juggling my time taking care of a newborn, meeting deadlines and answering questions for my students, spending time with my leaders, taking care of and spending time with my hubby, etc.

I cant assume that my girls know I love them just because I am “around them.” I make it a goal in our day, whether they are playing and I am on the computer, to stop and say, “I love you girls,” and I get up to give them lots of hugs and kisses.

Also, during our meals, in order to engage them in conversation, I ask them questions about their day and I ask them how much they love Jesus, to which they respond “Toso,” with their arms stretched wide, which means “this much” in Greek.  I also make time to practice Scripture memorization and sing Sunday school songs with them when we are playing outside or coloring together, as well as sing the ABC song and do some preschool work with them.

Priceless Moments

I’m sure many of you have had priceless moments with your little ones. Nothing can compare to the moments when my girls on their own initiative will come to me and ask for a hug and give me a kiss. My 2 year old, Hannah, will many times throughout the day say to me,  “I love you soooo much Mommy.” I believe that children are able to express their love and emotion when it is shown to them in abundance and without reserve from us as their parent.

What a wonderful and healthy way for a child to grow up.  “The Five Love Languages of Children,” by Gary Chapman is a book that I will be pursuing to read next. My husband and I read, “The Five Love Languages,” by Gary Chapman before we got married and it has been such a blessing for us to know that we must keep each others “love- tank” full everyday and not have to guess what the other needs.
I believe that filling my kids “love-tank” on a daily basis through physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, and acts of service is a must and I want to do that for the rest of my life. My girls love to be affirmed with my words and they LOVE to have their backs scratched. I think they got that from their daddy! I now have three of my babies who need me to scratch their back, my two daughters and my husband! LOL.

I Need Him More 

When I was in Bible College, my husband during chapel would always tell us that we would never be less busy than we are right now! Basically what he was saying is that life just gets busier as we get older and as our families continue to grow. Boy was he right!

I can't face tomorrow without the presence of the Lord. Everyday I hunger and thirst for more intimate times with my Lord and Savior. It is through spending time in worship, prayer, and reading His Word, that I find the strength to do what He has entrusted into my care.

I refuse to just be busy in “doing things for God,” I must also find myself “being with God.” As I find my rest in Him and as I allow Him to fill me up with His love and all the Fruit of the Spirit, I am assured that I do not live this life in my own strength but with His. My strength will fail me but God’s strength never will. 

I wouldn’t be able to wear all the "hats" that I need to on a daily basis if it wasn’t for Jesus. He is the lover of my soul, my King of Kings, and my Bright and Morning Star! He is the reason why I live and the reason I have all that I do! He is worthy of all my time and praise!

Psalm 28:6-9 (MSG), "Blessed be God— he heard me praying. He proved he's on my side; I've thrown my lot in with him. Now I'm jumping for joy, and shouting and singing my thanks to him." 

Seven Ways to Stay Focused in Ministry!

Best Dad in the Whole World

I have had the best dad in the whole world my whole life.  He has been faithfully serving the Lord from before I was even born, 40+ years!  When I tell my testimony it always starts with "my Mom at the kitchen table," however, my Dad has always been the backbone of faith in our home and lives.  Therefore, I can most assuredly say that if it wasn't for his prayers and godly example I wouldn't have been saved when I was.

My dad's love for people and the church is so contagious- just ask anyone who knows him!  He has literally served in every place imaginable in the local church... from bus driver to youth worker, drummer in the worship band to leading small groups, outreach volunteer to nursing home preacher, and so much more (and sometimes many different positions at one time)!

On top of all the practical ministry, he has been on numerous church committees serving the pastors with his godly wisdom from 50+ years in the business world.  His motto after retiring from the business arena was, "I'm not retiring, but re-firing!"  And that is exactly what he did.  By taking online classes he has become an ordained pastor in charge of discipleship at his local church.  It just amazes me all he has done for the Lord, both humbly and with a cheerful heart!

As result of having such a great godly father I have received countless examples of faith and conduct in my 17yrs of serving the Lord.  However, there is one in particular that I wish to highlight today- my dad's advice to stay focused.  Usually this advice comes after I have shared a hardship in the ministry or after I have gotten hurt/bummed out by the people I am leading.

My Dad's Advice

His advice is usually said like this, "Stay focused Joe, God has great things ahead for you... just stay focused!"  Then this initial advice is generally followed up with, "Don't get distracted. You know what God has called you to do.  Success doesn't happen overnight- God will honor your labor in His time."

Wow!  Such powerful and timely advice, especially for a person like myself who can get caught up doing so many "good things" and yet get tired and distracted from doing the "God things!"  Thus, I thought I would share out of my personal experience what this great advice has meant to me as a discipleship making church planter and local elder.  I hope you enjoy it and get some good "take aways" from this simple, yet powerful advice- stay focused!

Seven Ways To Stay Focused in Ministry

1. Learn the Difference Between "Good Things" and "God Things"

It may be good to go to church, but you don't have to go to church every time the doors are open.  Also, all ministry at your local church is good- but you can't join the youth, children and outreach teams and still have time to take care of your family/job.  Therefore, you need to know the difference between "good things" and "God things."

Good leaders in the church don't want you to burn out and harm the other God things in your life.  I actually wrote a lesson in our 201 discipleship book called, "The Balanced Life," for the purpose of helping new on-fire disciples to not burn out!

Therefore, find what God is telling you specifically to do in each and every season of your life and do that with all your energy.

Life Lesson #1:  Be open to times of sacrificial giving and radical devotion.  However, don't do these things unless God has led you and you are at peace in all the other areas of your life, 1 Corinthians 10:23.

2. Clearly Define What Your Main Purpose in Ministry Is 

Every disciple has to understand God's specific call on their life.  For example, Paul was called to be an apostle to the Gentiles, Romans 11:13.  I am called to plant churches through discipleship.  One of my mentors, George Neau was called to start a Bible college, www.sum.edu.  What is your main purpose in ministry?

This purpose is what will keep you focused when times get tough.  If don't have a call to work with youth, chances are when things get hard you'll want to quit.  However, if you are sure that God has called you to work with teenagers and be a leader in their life then no matter what comes your way you can't quit because you see working with youth as a part of who you are.  Leaving them would be like trying to "cut your own arm off!"

Life Lesson #2: Know your purpose and never let go of it!

3. Fight the Temptation of Being Distracted By Other People's Agendas 

This is the hardest one for me to do because I love to help people and do all I can for them in their times of need.  However, if I did what "everyone wanted me to do" "when they wanted me to do it" I wouldn't be able to do the things God has called me to do- plus, I would lose my mind and family along the way!

We will always face distractions with other people's agenda, but we don't have to give in to them.  Sometimes, the best thing you can tell someone is, "No."  Go ahead, practice saying it right now aloud, "No."

For example, someone may say, "Hey, sorry to bother you last minute but I really need your help to do such and such... can you help me?"  Okay, you can do it... say it... "No."  Don't be rude or mean, simply say something like, "Sorry, I'm really not able to do that for you right now."  Or, "I'm sorry I can't do that for you, but if you would let me I can find someone who can."

Now, this doesn't mean we should be lazy or not open to "Holy Ghost interruptions," but there is no way you can do "all things" for "all people" "all of the time."  Jesus didn't even do this!  He didn't travel to India and China and heal everyone in the whole world.  As a matter of fact, He said He was just called to the "lost sheep of Israel" in His three-year ministry (Matthew 15:24).  Thus, it was the disciples job after His resurrection to go to the whole world.

I would suggest to do "all the good you can" "whenever you can" to the "most people you can"- but after that, its okay to say "no."  That is why God has built the church with many anointed people a part of it- you're not everyone's Savior.

Plus, if there are people around you in the ministry that are only happy and satisfied when "you personally do everything for them," their problem is with God- not you.  Don't let people make you into an idol- teach them to seek God for themselves and trust the other leaders in the church whom God has also placed His Spirit of wisdom and power upon.  All the disciples in our church are taught to share the load and not to be condemned by people's "false judgments/expectations."

Life Lesson #3:  Learn from Jesus' "mode of operation" to only do what you see the Father doing.  Be free from the guilt and manipulation of people's lack of trust in God- both you and your family will be happy you did!

4. Find People to Encourage Your Purpose

Once you've discovered your purpose ask God to send you great friends and leaders that will encourage you to stay focused.  A true friend doesn't let you quit your purpose- they challenge you to stick with it and "never quit!"

I thank God for people like my father, Pastor Anthony Freeman, and other close friends who never let me quit, back down, or give up on the things God has told me to do.  You'll need these people to encourage you in your times of testing and celebrate the victories along the way- so start looking for them now, Ecclesiastes 4:12.

They aren't always going to agree with all your decisions, so be open to their correction or different perspectives.  Remember, don't take their correction or advice as "condemnation," but rather as "constructive collaboration."

Life Lesson #4: Good friends and leaders will only want the best for you and your ministry, thus their advice and encouragement can and should be trusted.

5. Let Others Run Their Race

Often times I can hear of another pastor's victories and instead of being happy I can become sad and depressed because I feel I'm not running my race fast enough.  On the other hand, I can be affected by people around me quitting, having bad attitudes, and slowing down.  The error in both situations is the same, "lack of focus in my purpose by looking at others running their race."

Therefore, the best thing to do is exactly what the Bible says, "rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn," Romans 12:15.  Simply put, when I see another minister or church blessed I should rejoice with them.  The problem comes in when I start "comparing," however, if I'm rejoicing then I can see it as a "confirmation" that if God fulfilled their purpose- God will do the same for me if I remain faithfully focused.

Also, if someone around me quits or has a lazy attitude, I can mourn and have a "30 minute funeral."  Afterwards, I  can wipe away the tears and move on staying focused on what God told me to do.  My destiny is not connected either to the "good news" or the "bad news" of those around me.

Life Lesson #5: Don't look to the left or to the right- look straight ahead.  Ask God to give you the ability to stay 100% focused on your specific calling- say no to "jealousy" and "discouragement!"  

6. Don't Sweat the Small Things

Ministry is full of "little fires" everywhere you look.  Even the greatest churches and ministries have financial trouble, people leave, leadership shifting, attendance drops, and bad reports.  However, what makes the great ministries what they are is that they have learned to not let the little fires keep them from doing what God told them to do.

One of the secrets I have learned from successful leaders is to know the difference between being a fire-fighter (putting out fires) and a fire-starter (creating passion in people).  I'm not promoting lack of organization or neglecting to solve real problems in the ministry.  However, I am advocating knowing the difference between wasting your time trying to fix something that is not worth it and focusing your time with people and the things that are building the vision.  

For example: If attendance drops and there is no real problem- don't sweat it.  Sometimes there are just seasons where people are not as committed as in other times (such as summer months).  Or if someone leaves the church with a bad attitude after everyone tried to help them, don't sweat it.  People come and go all the time, if your church is doing the right things ten more people can take their place.

I teach young church planters to not even really sweat weekly attendance and offerings.  Why?  Because there are so many "ups in downs" in the first five years of the new church.  Therefore, to look at numbers over a three-six month period.

Life Lesson #6: Stop being just a fire-fighter and stay focused on the most important things God has given you to do- making disciples (John 6:66)!

7. Follow the Examples Found in the Bible

The Bible is full of examples of people who stayed focused and didn't quit on their purpose- people like Joseph, Daniel, and Jeremiah.  Also, the Bible contains people like Abraham, David, and Samson who fulfilled their purpose even though they made mistakes along the way.  Therefore, the lives of men and women in the Bible should serve you as powerful examples of how to stay on track and finish your race!

Be encouraged to know you are not alone- they made it and so can you.  If God is for you, who can stand against you?

Life Lesson #7:  Find inspiration in the Biblical characters to stay focused and do all that God has called you to do- they made it and so can you!

Hebrews 12:1-3, 1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Mother's Heart // 16 Rules For Raising My Children

Being a Mother 

Since becoming a mother to my three beautiful children, I have realized that the single most important thing I desire for them is to fulfill God’s perfect design and destiny for their lives. Some may wonder why my desire for them isn’t to have the most toys on the block, to be popular among their peers, or even grow up and become millionaires. Although there is nothing wrong with having toys (and they do have a lot) or having lots of money, the Bible tells us in Matthew what is truly most important.

Matthew 6:19-21, “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be."

Treasure in Heaven 

As a mother, it is my responsibility to train my child to store her treasure in heaven and to help her discern right from wrong. This is a responsibility, that without the help and strength of the Lord, I believe is virtually impossible for me to do. As I put my children in God’s hands and trust Him to lead me as I lead them, I truly believe that His perfect plans for their lives will come to pass! I praise God that His promises are, "Yes and Amen!"

Proverbs 22:6 (NLT), "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Wanting More 

Since my husband and I desire to have six children of our own and then to possibly adopt six more throughout our life, I have also set my heart to learn and glean from other woman of God who have gone before me and raised their children to change the world for God. Suzanna Wesley, mother of John and Charles Wesley who founded the Methodist Movement, was the youngest child of 25 children and she herself had 19 children.

Through much adversity, she dedicated her life to instilling a sense of Christian destiny into each one of them. Suzanna had sixteen rules that she laid down in her home in order to honor God and instill discipline into her children’s lives.  And after seeing the fruit of her labor produce children like John and Charles- who changed the world through discipleship, I hope to do the same. 

After reading her rules I felt very refreshed and focused on the important task that God has given to me in raising my children- making disciples of Jesus Christ. Here is a list of rules that I have compiled from Suzanna’s list as well as some rules I have implemented from my own child-rearing routine.  I pray you are blessed and refreshed as much as I was.

Sixteen Rules for Raising My Children  

  1. Practice Scripture memorization everyday.
  2. As children they are to be in bed by 8 p.m.
  3. They are required to take medicine without complaining.
  4. Subdue self-will in a child, to save the child’s soul.
  5. Teach a child to pray as soon as they can speak.
  6. Require all children to be still during family devotions.
  7. Give them nothing that they cry for, and only that when asked for politely.
  8. To prevent lying, punish no fault, which is first confessed and repented of.
  9. Never allow a sinful act to go unpunished.
  10. Choices should be limited until at least the preteen years. (ex: clothing chosen for attire for the child, should not be complained about by the child.)
  11. Commend and reward good behavior.
  12. Children should ask for permission before leaving the kitchen table.
  13. Strictly observe all promises made to the children.
  14. Teach children to fear the rod.
  15. Whining is not allowed under any circumstances.
  16. Children are to help with chores around the house at a young age to learn importance of responsibility.

Proverbs 19:18 (NLT), "Discipline your children while there is hope.  Otherwise you will ruin their lives."

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Five Things I Learn About God, Myself, and Ministry When I Go Fishing!

I'm a Fish-Aholic

Yes, it is true- I am 100% guilty, therefore I must confess, "My name is Joe Wyrostek and I am a fish-aholic."  I've had many hobbies over the years, but there has only been one that has stuck with me through every phase of my life- fishing!

Sad but true, I'm also the most sickly person on a boat you can ever find. As a result, every "fun day on the deep waters" has turned me into "puke boy!"  Therefore, I have been forced to become the "pier fishing pro."  And my favorite kind of fish to catch on the piers is sharks and big reds.  Here is a picture of me around early 2000 with my first shark (black tip) from the Louisiana Gulf of Mexico.

Living in Nawlins Baby

I used to live in New Orleans for eight years (96'-04') and I have literally fished the whole Gulf Coast.  I have traveled and fished on piers from Houston all the way to Miami, Florida-  and everywhere in between.  Some of my favorite fishing spots are: Grand Isle, Louisiana and Panama City, Florida- where I caught my largest shark, an 8ft nurse shark.

Fishing Trips

I have taken a fishing trip to the Bahama's and fished off of the most beautiful coral reef I have ever seen- and I also fell on the beautiful coral reef and earned the most extensive cuts and injuries while fishing!  I have been able to take my poles and fish right next to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Fransisco in the Pacific.  Plus, I was blessed by a family to stay in their luxurious beach front condo and fish all along Daytona Beach in the Atlantic.

The dedication I have to this hobbie knows no bounds... I have drove 16hrs straight to go fishing, brought my poles on my honeymoon, and have even slept in my car for two days in the Pensacola, Florida pier parking lot just to catch sharks at night!

You might ask, "Is it worth it?"  My simple answer, "YES!"  Below are some of the pics from my last trip to Grand Isle, Louisiana in August of 2012:

Living in the Mid-West 

Even while living in Chicago I have found the art of catching big fish to be fun, like carp and catfish.  Below is the biggest carp I have caught from the Algonquin Dam- around 10lbs!  I generally only like to catch smaller fish like bass and blue gill when I can fish in a stocked pond.  However, some of the locals have tried to turn me on to salmon fishing, but I have not found much success as of yet.

Therefore, I am always excited about taking trips back to the Gulf Coast and to the ocean.  In 2012 from April to August, I was able to go on five fishing trips (three of which were on business trips)!  I try to travel whenever I can with my poles and plan the next adventure.

Jesus Loved Fishermen

As a result, after literally days on the piers and around the water, I have learned many valuable life lessons.  I don't believe it is any accident that Jesus' first disciples were fishermen.  Or random coincidence that many of Jesus' miracles (walking on the water, money in the fish's mouth, net breaking catch, or feeding the five thousand) happened around the water.  As a matter of fact, Jesus' first words to the Peter and Andrew were, "Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men!"  (Matthew 4:19)

Therefore, fishing contains many important lessons about life... or atleast that's what I tell myself when leaving to go on another 2-day trip!  On a more serious note, here are some things I've learned about God, life, and myself from fishing.


1. Patience

I'm in no way a naturally "patient person," actually the exact opposite.  However, while wishing I have learned to have this virtue like a saint.  I have waited all night just for one fish before.  Sometimes I have drove 3hrs one way to fish for another 8hrs and drive home again 3hrs without any catches- but just to "stare at water" all day and night! 

Recently, while in Grand Isle a family was so badly wanting to catch the famed "big reds" but they left too early.  All the signs were there that it was going to be a great night, but they got impatient.  Literally within 1 hour of them leaving I caught 3 huge fishes (the ones pictured above).  If only they had been patient- they could've gotten some biggins' too!

Life Lesson on Patience:  Don't give up when things don't go right, be patient, new things can happen in a moment and make all the waiting time worth it all, Galatians 6:9.

2. The Right Gear

Nothing is more funnier and frustrating to watch than a "newbie" get a big ole' fish on their 20lb line and get "broke off."  We "pro's" on the pier know that you can't expect to really bring in any fish over 20lbs without special branded line and strong poles.  I usually fish with 60-80lb braided line with 3/4in round poles.

The guys on boats love to tease us pier guys because they say they can catch the same size fish/sharks on small lines and poles- however, they don't have to fight the current and sharp barnacle-laced pylons.  Thus, we must come with the biggest poles and the strongest line just to have a fighting chance at bringing in that 100lb 6ft bull shark!   

Life Lesson on Having the Right Gear:  Understand and gain the tools you need to be successful in life in whatever you do.  Do whatever it takes to be the best on your job (college/specialty training), in your marriage (counseling/date nights), and ministry (mentoring/good materials); Read the story of Solomon building the temple with the best materials.


3. The Right Bait

Every fish has its own feeding time and favorite food.  All experienced fishermen understand their fish and exactly what it takes to catch them.  For me, I know that sharks and big Gulf fish- like bull reds and black drums, love to feed at night and eat large bloody fishes on the bottom of the ocean.

Therefore, I fish at night with freshly caught bait fish.  I cut the fish in medium size chunks for my size 8 hook, then use a big 6 ounce weight with a strong 1000lb steel leader to keep the bait on the ocean floor.  I may not catch every fish, but I know there is gonna be one big fish out there during feeding time that won't be able to resist it!
Life Lesson on Having the Right Bait:  Each person has their own way of receiving love and friendship.  For you to be successful in building relationships you must understand each person's importance, love language, and values; 1 Corinthians 13.


4. Catch and Release

The reason I don't have all the pics of the fish and sharks I have caught is because I practice catch and release.  I used to go through the hassle of bringing a big cooler full of ice everywhere I went, then having to come home beat-tired and clean massive fish for hours.  Then I came to the realization, I don't have to do this- I can have all the fun of catching the fish- without all the hassle...  all I have to do is release them back into the water!

Sometimes I will bring a cooler so I can bring back fish for those I stay with.  Or sometimes I give the fish away on the pier to people who are up for all the work.  However, 99% of the time I get all the trill I need just by catching the fish- no need to keep em', I just throw em' back for another fisherman to catch on another day.
Life Lesson on Catching and Releasing:  Some people are in our lives just for a specific reason and season.  We can't expect everyone in ministry, in friendship, or even in our family to be around forever.  Sometimes the best gift we can give someone is the "gift of goodbye," Acts 20:36-38.


5. Have Fun!

Oh my, do I have some fun(ny) fish stories!  I remember once another young pastor and myself bought a two person raft and set out into the ocean to catch bigger fish... well, lets just say by the time we rowed our little Walmart raft back to shore we passed out for the next 6 hours on the beach!  For hours people walked and played all around us- we couldn't move an inch due to being so sick and weak from our "deep sea" adventure."  Today, we're both happy just to be alive!

Another time an intern and I we're fishing on Cocoa Beach and were catching 20-30lb bull reds almost on every cast- I have never experienced anything like that again with the reds.  However, right at day break there was a new cruise ship being set out to sea and literally there were dozens of people on the pier watching this massive boat leave dock.  Right about that time I threw out my line and a big sea gull came and snatched up my bait.  I tried to get my line back but I saw he was hooked in the mouth by my big ole' hook.

I couldn't let him have my rig so I reeled him onto the pier.  By the time I brought the sea gull to the dock all these people were around me saying "Oh look, he caught a sea gull- how cute!"  As I tried to get my hook and leader back he started to fly away- I then instantly jerked him back to the pier and he made a loud "thud" as he slammed head first into the deck.

The crowd didn't like this at all- I had to cut my line lest I get mobbed by the onlookers.  I'll never forget how their sounds of joy and amazement turned to sounds of terror and shock as they saw me yank a large bird out of the sky to the pier with my fishing pole!
Life Lesson on Having Fun:  Life is too short not to have fun and laugh.  Stop taking yourself so serious- enjoy the spontaneous moments that make everyone around you smile, Proverbs 17:22.

Friday, August 10, 2012

"Your Soul is Saved According to 1 Peter- So Live Like It!"

Confession: I have been obsessed with the believer's identity in Christ the last couple of weeks! 

First, I was just needing to encourage myself and remember who God called me to be.  Second, I felt led of the Lord to share a sermon series on the subject so that our church could also be encouraged, click here to watch the messages.  Next, I ran into some false doctrines from naive teachers who went beyond the faith of the Scriptures to the "make believe of human imagination," click here to see the correction.  Fourth, I brought a great book on the subject and devoured it, "Five Views on Sanctification," click here to buy.  Fifth, I did some live webcast shows to answer the most common questions and objections to the stance I take, click here to read/watch.  Lastly, I have been seeing God's finished work in almost every verse of the Bible, especially in 1 Peter- hence this blog.

Note: This blog has become the "summary" of all my work on the subject.  I have added illustrations, a sermon, links to all the resources, and explain in detail most of the main points I believe.

The New You:  When you were born again- you were really born again on the inside.  Your soul (mind, will, and emotions) and spirit were made new (John 3:3)!  

When the Bible teaches you are in the present a "new creation," it means you are new creation in both soul and spirit (2 Corinthians 5:17-22)!  Also, when the Scriptures teach you are the "righteousness of God in Christ Jesus," "holy," "blameless," "pure," and "free from sin"- it doesn't mean when you die- but today!

Sometimes people in the church have only believed Jesus made them new in their spirit, but their soul (mind, will, & emotions) is still old and unsaved.  Thus, this leads to the belief that one must be born again twice.  Once now in their spirit and another time at death in their soul.  However, Jesus and the Apostles didn't teach this.  They taught that when you were born again- this was for both your soul and spirit (Matthew 22:37).

You Are Not Your Flesh: Though we have been born again in our inner man (soul/spirit), we still live in our old body with its evil desires.  

This body is called by Paul a "body of death," (Romans 7:24).  Hence, we still can be tempted and faced with evil desires from our flesh, but you are not your flesh, you are the new soul and spirit on the inside.  For example, your fleshy stomach can have hungry pangs and desires- but are you your stomach?  Also, your brain, separate from your mind which is in your soul, will die along with every other organ, but will you stop thinking in heaven?

The easiest example to see the difference between your body and soul/spirit is to think about a car being like your body and the driver being like your soul/spirit, i.e., "you."  A driver uses the car for transportation, but the driver is not the car.  The car may be hot or cold and thus effect the driver, but once again the car is not the driver and the driver can control and direct the car in any way he likes.

The same is true with your body, you as the driver, use the body to live in this world, but you are not the body.  Your body may have desires for sex, physical addictions, bad memories stored in the brain, and emotional fears- but you are not your body, you are a born again soul/spirit living in the body (2 Corinthians 5:1-5).

Put to Death the Desires of Your Flesh:  Since being born again and made new on the inside you have the power to crucify your body's desires and make it a slave to the will of God (Galatians 5:24-25). 

Now this is where it gets confusing for some Christians.  They have been taught to believe that their flesh (or "sinful nature" as termed by the NIV) is not just their earthly body, but both their soul (mind, will, and emotions) and their body.  However, this cannot be true for the following reasons:

1. If the soul and body were sinful, then being born again does not really make a person totally new- only partially new, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.

2. If the born again believer is not new in their soul, then it is impossible for them to be filled with God's Spirit and dwell with God because God will not partner with sin, Ephesians 2:4-7.

3. If the soul is still old and sinful, then all the above verses in the Bible plus 100's more are incorrect and cause major contradictions within the Bible because they speak of being changed now on the inside 100%- not in heaven, Colossians 3:1-4.

Therefore, there is only one sound biblical conclusion left- "your soul/spirit are made 100% new when you were born again."  As a result, the earthly flesh and body remains the same until death and must be crucified by the power of the Holy Spirit."

Note:  Remember, there are not two you's- "a fleshly you" and "a soul/spiritual you."  You are one you- the soul/spiritual you (the inner person).  Thus, you must fight against your body in spiritual things just like you do when on a diet in fleshly things.  The hungry stomach is not you and its not in control- you are a soul/spirit and you are in control of the stomach, Romans 12:1-2!

Four Ways Peter Teaches in 1 Peter Your Soul Has Been Saved And Can Live Saved:  Peter declares that the soul is new and can win every battle against the earthly flesh through Christ!

Please take note of the following verses and how Peter viewed your soul (mind, will, & emotions) after being born again:

Note: Peter uses the term "born again" more than any other New Testament author.  I believe this is because his concern is with the believer living the "new life" in their soul as well as their spirit.  Remember, the word "spirit" simply mean's "God's breath or life."  Thus, without man having a spirit he has no life and without having a soul he has no being or person-hood.  "Being/person-hood" simply means, "possessing a mind, will, and emotions"- this is what separates mankind from the animals who also have life (Genesis 1:30; 2:7).

(1) BY FAITH, 1 Peter 1:9, "... obtaining the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls."

Peter mentions in the present tense that the "outcome of your faith" is the "salvation of your souls."  Some commentaries have tried to place the salvation of the soul occurring partially now and completely after the believer's body dies or at the coming of Christ.  However, this is incorrect for the following reasons,

(i) Peter in 1:3 states that the believer is presently "born again," thus, in 1:9 he is simply clarifying how far this salvation reaches- even to their souls.  Hence, the reason of rejoicing in 1:8.  If one were to say either Peter is believing the "born again" nature is only of the spirit or that the born again experience is only partial to the soul, then the burden would be to show a differentiation in this chapter or letter.  However, to Peter they are one in the same experience because of the joy the believer has in their current salvation- both in spirit and soul.    

(ii) Peter places the promises of the prophets being fulfilled in the present day of the believer in v. 12.  Hence, if the promise of a "new heart" from Ezekiel and the like was not in their present day, then the prophets would still have to wait.

(iii) Lastly, as the letter continues this is the theme of Peter- the salvation of the soul.  Thus, the declarations of the present believers being "God's holy nation and people" in chapter two verse nine.  This could not be true unless the believer was both holy in soul and spirit.


(2) BY THE WORD OF GOD, 1 Peter 1:22-23, "22 Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart, 23 since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God..."

Now what might have been somewhat unclear to the skeptic in the prior verses is made unmistakably clear in these present verses- the soul was purified when the believer was born again!

Please note the following in support of the salvation of the soul from these verses:

(i) The word "purified" being in the past tense reminds the believer it already happened.  The believer is currently purified in their soul because when they were born again they were made pure.  Thus, Peter states the soul is "free from all sin and pollution," i.e., "purified" when the soul was born again.

(ii) The purification happened in the soul the moment the believer believed in the truth and obeyed it.  The Word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit purifies the soul at the moment of salvation- it is not another act of grace as some have taught.  Salvation and sanctification happen at the same time a person is born again.   

(iii) Peter also states, "love... from a pure heart."  Notice the heart and soul are both pure.  This shows that there is not real distinction between one's heart and soul, however, they are just different terms for the same thing.  Heart and soul are simply referring to man's inner being- his mind, will, and emotions. 


(3) BY ABSTINENCE, 1 Peter 2:11, "Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul."

Please note the following:

(i) Peter makes a clear distinction from the "passions of the flesh" and the purified soul.  Thus, the flesh cannot contain the soul (mind, will, and emotions), it is separate from it.  Some have taught that since only the spirit of man was born again the "sinful nature/flesh" is a combination of both the soul and the earthly body.  However, this is false and proven wrong by Peter in this powerful verse.  The soul and spirit are new, but the flesh remains.  Therefore, the holy believer in their soul is to abstain from the passions of the flesh.

(ii) Peter's command is a literal and serious one- the believer is to fight against sin because they are pure and are to remain pure.  Peter does not allow for any compromise, thus this verse cannot mean that a believer has "two split personalities," one righteous and spiritual, the other wicked and fleshly-  God forbid!  Peter is stating that the believer as one person is pure in both soul and spirit and must war against passions of the flesh.  He does not say these passions are from the purified individual's soul but rather from the flesh.  Hence, the believer as a holy soul/spirit is to win the battle against the flesh!  


(4) BY JESUS' DEATH, 1 Peter 4:1-2, "1 Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, 2 so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for the will of God."

Please note the following concerning Jesus' death on the cross and the victory over the flesh:

(i) Peter commands the believer to "cease from sin."  This is only possible because the soul/spirit is new and holy and is control of the flesh.  Thus, the believer is to "suffer" in the flesh to cease from sin.  This "suffering in the flesh" is most likely the same as the "crucifying of the flesh" that Paul speaks of Romans 8:10-11 and Galatians 5:24-25.

(ii) Peter declares that the flesh is dealt with at salvation by having it crucified with Christ.  The reader must note that the word "suffered" is in past, thus, Peter is stating that the believer is to live holy from the day of salvation.  When a Christian does not this, they may continue to "fight" the flesh not knowing that by Christ's death, they can have victory over it.  As a result, the believer should not "struggle in sin," but "overcome sin."

Final Word:  According to Peter the normal life of a believer should be lived "holy as the Lord is holy" because they have been born again in both soul and spirit, 1 Peter 1:16


Here are the Slides I Used When I Preached This at the Metro!

The "Old You:"  Dead in spirit to God, sinful in the soul, and corrupted in the body by sin.  You lived by the "spirit of this age," Ephesians 2:1-3.

The "New You:"  Born again in the spirit- restored to God and made His dwelling, washed and made new in your soul (mind, will, and emotions).  Plus, given the power of the Holy Spirit to put to death the desires of the body, 1 Peter 1:22-23.

God Makes Both Your Soul and Spirit New When You We're Born Again!  Both soul and spirit are made new in Christ, not just the spirit.  The soul (mind, will, and emotions) does not remain the same or stay evil with the body; the soul is saved, 1 Peter 1:3-9.

The Battle is Against the Flesh (Earthly Body), Which is "Not" the Soul (Mind, Will, & Emotions) Until the Resurrection.  The Bible makes it very clear that the mind (soul) has the choice between the flesh and the Holy Spirit.  Thus, the soul is not sinful like the flesh nor God like the Holy Spirit.  The new born spirit/soul must choose to either live by the Holy Spirit or revert back to the flesh, Romans 8:5-10.

The Soul/Spirit Uses the Word of God to Put To Death the Desires of the Flesh!  Despite there being a "battle" between the old flesh and the Holy Spirit.  The new soul/spirit is in control and is given the choice to either sin (go back to the flesh) or remain holy and keep in step with the Holy Spirit, i.e. "obey God's Word."  Therefore, the victory is already given to the believer because at salvation the "flesh was crucified."  As a result, the believer is to remain in a state of purity and not allow the flesh to dictate to the soul/spirit its evil desires, Galatians 5:24-25.

If the believer should sin, they are to confess (admit the sin) and repent (change behavior and thinking) and continue in holiness.  However, if the believer continues in sin, the heart (soul) will harden and be given over to unbelief which will lead to "losing one's salvation/shipwrecking the faith," 1 John 2:1-3 & Hebrews 3:12-14; 10:26-27

In conclusion, the normal life of a believer (child of God) should be holy (without sin/pure) by living according to the Word of God and Jesus' commands, 1 John 3:1-10.

God's Declaration of the Believer in Christ. "Our New Identity" According to the Word of God!


Sermon on the Subject, "I am a Child of God!"

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fun, Excitement and Repentance! Why You Can (and Should) Evangelize!

The Great Commission is For You!

Jesus himself has called all of his followers to preach the Gospel to the whole world. Many churches today do not practice this like they ought to, and some Christians even disagree with it, but the Bible plainly says that those who follow Christ will always be his witnesses. Prayerfully read the following words from Jesus’ own mouth:
Mark 16:15, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation."

Luke 24:47-48, "Repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in [Christ’s] name to all nations... You are witnesses of these things."

Acts 1:8, "You will be my witnesses… to the ends of the earth."
If you don’t believe this command is for you, I’d ask you to log off and argue it with God. But if today you recognize your duty as a disciple of Christ is to share Good News with your friends, your family, your city and the nations, then this blog is for you!

Jesus has called us to make disciples of all nations. In the modern Church this is often done through street evangelism. Simply put, street evangelism is when a group of Christians heads out into different communities (outside of a Church building!) and tell the people there (often complete strangers!) about who Jesus is, what he has done, and how we can be saved because of it. This is what the first disciples did in the book of Acts, and what true disciples of Christ have done throughout the ages.

We live in an imperfect world that is separate from God. Because of this, street evangelism is not as easy or simple as I just described. People often won’t receive the Gospel message because the devil has blinded them; and we as messengers sometimes deal with fear or sin or lack of knowledge which makes evangelism ineffective. Lord help us!

In spite of the difficulties, God is still calling out, “Who will go for me, and who will I send?” Will you go for God? If so, I want to encourage you that God is with you, that he is your co-laborer and that he will empower you to change lives if you just go out and preach his word!
2 Corinthians 5:20 (NLT), So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”
The Bible says that when we evangelize, we are Christ’s ambassadors. Take heart, O ambassador! Your work is not in vain. I wrote this because I am convinced that by preaching the Gospel we really can make a difference—God can use you to save many lost people and display his mighty power in the all the earth!

You Can Do It—Now!

I believe you don’t need great knowledge or the latest evangelizing methods to win souls through evangelism. If your heart is pure before God and your desire is for his kingdom to come, then God can use you mightily! The Bible says that:

I Corinthians 1:27-29, "…God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him."
I am always humbled to see God use “baby” Christians in unexpected ways to see their friends, family, classmates and coworkers brought into the Church and saved. So before I teach you about apologetics and the dealing with others, I want to teach you only a few basics about evangelism.

Getting Started!

The local Church should always have an outlet for street evangelism. If you are hungry to share your faith, you should first ask your pastor or one of your leaders about being plugged into an evangelism team. If they have such a ministry, you are to get in touch with that ministry’s leader. You can expect to submit to that leader’s authority and receive further instruction specific to that particular ministry.

However, if your church does not have an evangelism team, you may ask your pastor’s permission to start one. If he or she approves it, you are good to go!

The first thing you do is gather some of your friends together who have the same heart for evangelism. It is always wiser and safer to go witnessing in groups. Remember, you don’t need much to be a soul winner, but you do need to be saved and sanctified. You and your friends ought to be accountable to Church leaders and have no habitual sin in your lives (drinking, fornication, ungodly entertainment, etc.).

Also remember, evangelism is not a hobby, it’s a heart cry! Do not try to enter into evangelism thinking it will be a piece of cake. Evangelism can be challenging, frustrating, heartbreaking and seemingly fruitless for seasons at a time. You and your friends should search your heart to make sure you are in it for the long haul. Evangelism is not something you give up on when it gets boring or doesn’t go your way; it is a greater calling than President of the United States! The work of evangelism impacts souls for eternity!

If you are committed to evangelism, the next thing to do is find an area in your city, or “mission field,” to go witnessing in. You want to pray and seek God and see what neighborhood he puts on your heart. It may be an inner city area, a high school or college campus, or it may be an uptown nightlife district. When my pastor first came to Chicago, God had called him to witness in the homosexual community! I say that so you may be prepared and obedient if God sends you to an unwelcoming part of town.

Tools of the Trade

Wherever you are sent and whoever you talk to, there are three things that do not change no matter what. These must be present for true godly evangelism. They are your testimony, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit.

1 // Testimony:

There was once a man who was literally filled with demons. Those demons drove him crazy, causing him to be cast out from society and live among the tombs, cutting himself. Then Jesus came along and cast out those demons and freed that man from his torment. “The man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go with him, but Jesus sent him away, saying, ‘Return home and tell how much God has done for you.’ So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him (Luke 8:38-39).”

The story of the man with the “legion” of demons is the story of everyone who has been saved by Jesus Christ. We all once lived in spiritual bondage. The bondage may not have been demonic possession, but it may have been alcohol, drugs, self esteem, sexual perversion, fear, abuse, unbelief or pride. But regardless of what he has set us free from, the fact remains that Jesus has indeed set us free, and that is our testimony. We each have a powerful story about “how much God has done for us.” Your testimony is the story of your own personal experience with God.

It has been said, “A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.” Let’s say I told you that the entire population of New York City is Italian, but I didn’t know for sure because I just heard someone else say it. If you had grown up in New York City, you could easily prove me wrong. Why? Because you’ve been there and met the people and have seen with your own eyes that not everyone in that city is Italian. And I cannot prove you wrong because I’ve never even been to New York.

In the same way, when people argue the reasons they don’t believe in God or the Bible, you can tell them how you know God is real: because you know God! The fact that you have a real relationship with God through Jesus counts more than anything else.

After Jesus ascended to heaven, the Apostles turned the world upside down by telling their testimony about what they experienced firsthand. Prayerfully read these passages and consider the impact of the men who wrote them:

John: “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim… we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life…” (1 John 1:1a, 2b)

Peter: “We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.” (2 Peter 1:16)

Paul: “The gospel I preached is not something that man made up. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.” (Galatians 1:11b-12)

A wise man once said, “Guard your heart and guard your testimony.” You may not think you have a great testimony like Peter or Paul, but that is a lie. The devil wants to discourage you, but your testimony is more powerful than you think. The Bible says that by our testimony we overcome the devil (Revelation 12:11). When we tell our testimony to others the devil is terrified because it is evidence that Jesus Christ is really with us.

A practical way to share your testimony is simply to tell what kind of person you were before you were saved, how you got saved, and how good Jesus has been in your life ever since. When people hear this, it may speak to their heart and allow God to move. I remember once sharing the exact date I was saved (November 11, 2007) and it convinced a young man that I was sent from God because his girlfriend left him on that very day. See? You never know how God may use your testimony!

Be encouraged to tell people what God has done in your life because he wants to do it in other people’s lives too!


2 // The Bible:

Of all the books in the world, no other book has had the power to change lives and shape world history like the Bible has. We believe that it is the Word of God (2 Tim. 3:15-17), which is God’s inspired message for all people in all ages.
Hebrews 4:12, “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

The Word is compared to a sword in that it has an ability to cut and dissect. It separates soul from spirit, truth from lies, good from evil, God from Satan. The Bible is the standard which we hold up all things to. For this reason the message we preach in street evangelism must be biblical. We don’t preach from another religion’s “holy book” like the Islamic Koran, and we don’t preach out of a book with positive messages like “Chicken Soup for the Soul.” The Bible is God’s only written revelation to man—period.

Because of its significance, we must know what the Bible says about God, man, sin, salvation, etc. So many times I see Christians preaching in ways contrary to the Bible because they haven’t understood it themselves. Here is a saying that you can trust: Every evangelist should read their bible regularly. When you read the Bible, God will speak to you and over time he will give you wisdom about many issues that come up while witnessing. (And not only that, but you learn more about who God is and how to live for him!)

But I remind you that the main focus of evangelism is to see souls saved by believing in Jesus. One time while witnessing with my pastor I taught a homeless man how to tithe and be financially blessed. My pastor then rebuked me and sent me back to make sure that man heard about how to be saved! The Bible has many great teachings, but there is one message that can save a man from the pit of hell: It is called the Gospel.
Romans 1:16, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.”
I want to give you some passages from the Bible that teach fundamental truths about the Gospel. Take some time to read and meditate on the some of these doctrines:

God: God is holy and has perfect attributes. His perfect righteousness and justice means that he must punish all who sin. His perfect love means he has mercy and compassion on even the worst sinners.
• Isaiah 45:21-22 (There is only one God)
• Psalm 99:9; Isaiah 6:1-3; Revelation 4 (God is holy)
• Psalm 7:1-11 (God is righteous)
• Psalm 90:2; Isaiah 40:28 (God is eternal)
• Romans 8:28-38; 1 John 4:7-21 (God is love)

Sin: God created humans, heaven and earth to be perfect, but when Adam sinned against God the whole earth was corrupted with sickness, death and sorrow, and mankind inherited an evil nature.

• Genesis 3; Genesis 6:5; Romans 3:9-20, 5:12-20

Judgment: Because God is eternal his punishment for sin must also be eternal.
• Matthew 10:28; Mark 9:43; 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9; Revelation 20:11-15

Salvation: Because of God’s love for man he came to earth as a man to save us from sin, death and hell. He makes this freely available to all.
• John 1:1-18; Philippians 2:5-11; 1 Timothy 3:16 (Jesus’ incarnation)
• Isaiah 53; Matthew 20:28; Romans 5:6-8; 2 Corinthians 5:21 (Jesus died on our forgiveness)
• Romans 6:1-13; 1 Corinthians 15 (Jesus’ resurrection grants eternal life)
• Romans 5:1-12, 6:23; Galatians 3:1-9; Ephesians 2:8-9 (We receive Jesus’ salvation by grace and not by good deeds)

Mankind: In response to the Gospel, man is to…
• Mark 1:15; Luke 5:32; Acts 2:38, 17:30, 26:20 (Repent of their sins)
• John 3:16-17; Acts 16:31; Romans 10:9 (Believe in Jesus as Savior)
• Matthew 16:24; (Submit to Jesus as Lord)
• John 3:1-21 (Be born again through the Holy Spirit, who enables you to live for God)

This is a biblical foundation for preaching salvation. If you have read these verses you should have no problem telling someone about how to be born again and live for God. Don’t feel pressured to fit in every last detail when sharing the Gospel, but never stray from the Bible’s message.


3 // The Holy Spirit:

The Holy Spirit is the 3rd Person of the Trinity. The Trinity is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They are three distinct persons who make up one amazing God. I say that to remind you that the Holy Spirit is God! He is not a force or a name that Christians give it when we reach “enlightenment.” No, the Holy Spirit is the God-person who lives in the hearts of every born again believer. The Holy Spirit is God, and God is in you!
John 14:15-16, If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

Think about that. The Maker of the universe is living in you! Why try to do things in your own power if Almighty God can do it so much better?

When asked about getting out of his “comfort zone” in evangelism, my pastor didn’t bring up social fear or forgetting scriptures, but he said his comfort zone was evangelizing without the Holy Spirit. Sharing our testimonies and preaching the Bible is good, but so often evangelists make that into a strict formula and leave no room for the Holy Spirit. If you preach without the power of the Spirit, then it is pointless.
Acts 1:8, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses…"

Jesus never intended his disciples to witness without the Holy Spirit. Jesus gave himself the same limitations as a man and worked his miracles only through the Holy Spirit. We have to come to humbling truth that there are many things God can do that men cannot! If you were born again, saved and sanctified through the Holy Spirit, how do you expect others to be saved without him?

In order to be saved, people must repent of their sins. In order to repent they must realize their need to be right with God. Logical arguments cannot do that. Emotional pleas might get a few tears out of people, but they will not be changed in the long run. The only way people will repent is they are convicted, and the only One who can convict them is the Holy Spirit!
John 16:8-11, "When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned."

Jesus said the Holy Spirit would convict the world…

1. “…in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me.” Many today say they believe in Jesus, but it’s really just a story to them. The Holy Spirit is the only One who makes the cross of Christ more than a good story. The Holy Spirit makes Jesus realer than the ground we stand on and closer than the air we breathe. When Jesus becomes real, everything changes. People see their wicked sin, because they see price Jesus paid to take it away.

2. “…in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer.” Today there is a false god that exists in people’s minds. This god doesn’t care if you live a pure life and he can’t save you in times of trouble. But the real God is holy and righteous. The Holy Spirit gives people a revelation of how great and mighty God truly is so they may be humble before him and accept his salvation.

3. “…and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.” Today many teachers and cult groups are teaching that there is no hell. The Holy Spirit gives people a terrifying reminder of eternal torment that is for devil and everyone who follows him.

How to Evangelize

With this in mind, I want to give you a few practical ways to allow the Holy Spirit to speak and move through you when you evangelize (Matthew 10:20).

1. Be Prayerful: Pray throughout the day. Pray throughout the week. Pray before you witness. Pray while you witness. Pray after you witness. You can’t expect God to move in power whenever you want him to if you never spend time with him!

2. Be Holy: He’s not the “dirty spirit,” he is the Holy Spirit! You must live in purity because it is possible to grieve the Spirit and drive him away (Ephesians 4:30). You may have to cut off some ungodly entertainment or relationships that God does not approve of.

3. Be Filled: Another way is to get baptized in the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:11). If you haven’t been baptized in the Holy Spirit, then ask one of your church’s leaders to pray for you to receive it. If that doesn’t work, keep on asking God, and he will give it to you (Luke 11:13)! Once you have the baptism, you can pray in tongues through the Holy Spirit. Doing this in your personal time will build your faith and make you bolder in sharing your faith.

4. Be Mindful:Don’t always think you know what to say, but stop and ask “God, what are you trying to say?” God may have a very specific message he wants to speak through you that you will miss if you just keep on speaking your own ideas.

Remember, all the Holy Spirit needs to work his power is someone who will do what he says! He is saying “Step out and speak and I will take care of the hard parts!”

What are you waiting for? Go!

That’s it! Evangelism is not too difficult. You don’t have to wait “X” amount of years, have a PhD, or be with the “spiritually elite!” Today with your testimony, the Word of God and the Holy Ghost, you can go and preach to the lost and win souls for Jesus!!! Go!!!!!


1. Are you saved? If yes, how do you know you’re saved?

2. Does your church have an evangelism team? If so, when and where do they go to witness?

3. Write down your testimony in one short paragraph.

4. How often do you read your bible?

5. Use at least 3 of the verses given in the chapter to tell the Gospel message in your own words.

6. Why do people need to be convicted?

7. Have you been baptized in the Holy Spirit? If yes, describe your experience. If no, then why not?