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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Mother's Heart // I Can't Assume They Know

Many Hats to be Worn

I wear many "hats" in my life, as I’m sure most women do. I wear the "hat" of being a wife to my wonderful husband, a mother to my beautiful children, and a pastor to the best church in the world, an advisor to our Bible College students, a daughter and a sister.

Although I am extremely blessed to be a stay-at-home mom and do minimal work from home for the Bible College, I have noticed that my two oldest girls, Bethany and Hannah, crave so much of my attention. Even though I am with them for practically 10 hours a day, (minus their naps times), I have realized that what they crave from me is quality time.

Quality Time

Since I had Lucas, almost 5 months ago, I feel that my life as a mom has become super busy! Between juggling my time taking care of a newborn, meeting deadlines and answering questions for my students, spending time with my leaders, taking care of and spending time with my hubby, etc.

I cant assume that my girls know I love them just because I am “around them.” I make it a goal in our day, whether they are playing and I am on the computer, to stop and say, “I love you girls,” and I get up to give them lots of hugs and kisses.

Also, during our meals, in order to engage them in conversation, I ask them questions about their day and I ask them how much they love Jesus, to which they respond “Toso,” with their arms stretched wide, which means “this much” in Greek.  I also make time to practice Scripture memorization and sing Sunday school songs with them when we are playing outside or coloring together, as well as sing the ABC song and do some preschool work with them.

Priceless Moments

I’m sure many of you have had priceless moments with your little ones. Nothing can compare to the moments when my girls on their own initiative will come to me and ask for a hug and give me a kiss. My 2 year old, Hannah, will many times throughout the day say to me,  “I love you soooo much Mommy.” I believe that children are able to express their love and emotion when it is shown to them in abundance and without reserve from us as their parent.

What a wonderful and healthy way for a child to grow up.  “The Five Love Languages of Children,” by Gary Chapman is a book that I will be pursuing to read next. My husband and I read, “The Five Love Languages,” by Gary Chapman before we got married and it has been such a blessing for us to know that we must keep each others “love- tank” full everyday and not have to guess what the other needs.
I believe that filling my kids “love-tank” on a daily basis through physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, and acts of service is a must and I want to do that for the rest of my life. My girls love to be affirmed with my words and they LOVE to have their backs scratched. I think they got that from their daddy! I now have three of my babies who need me to scratch their back, my two daughters and my husband! LOL.

I Need Him More 

When I was in Bible College, my husband during chapel would always tell us that we would never be less busy than we are right now! Basically what he was saying is that life just gets busier as we get older and as our families continue to grow. Boy was he right!

I can't face tomorrow without the presence of the Lord. Everyday I hunger and thirst for more intimate times with my Lord and Savior. It is through spending time in worship, prayer, and reading His Word, that I find the strength to do what He has entrusted into my care.

I refuse to just be busy in “doing things for God,” I must also find myself “being with God.” As I find my rest in Him and as I allow Him to fill me up with His love and all the Fruit of the Spirit, I am assured that I do not live this life in my own strength but with His. My strength will fail me but God’s strength never will. 

I wouldn’t be able to wear all the "hats" that I need to on a daily basis if it wasn’t for Jesus. He is the lover of my soul, my King of Kings, and my Bright and Morning Star! He is the reason why I live and the reason I have all that I do! He is worthy of all my time and praise!

Psalm 28:6-9 (MSG), "Blessed be God— he heard me praying. He proved he's on my side; I've thrown my lot in with him. Now I'm jumping for joy, and shouting and singing my thanks to him." 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love it! Very encouraging and insightful.