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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Cloud of Witnesses // Humility of Moses

Series Text: Hebrews 12:1-2

Biblical Character Texts: Exodus-Deuteronomy


Brief History Before Moses' Time:

1. God created Adam and Eve

2. Adam and Eve sinned

3. Adam and Eve had children

4. Humanity grew in wisdom and population

5. By the time of Noah mankind had become wicked and violent

6. God destroyed the world- but spared Noah, his wife, and three sons (Shem, Ham, and Japheth) along with their wives.

7. From the linage of Shem Abraham was born in the land of Ur (Modern day Iraq, ancient Babylon).

8. Abraham has Isaac, then Isaac has Jacob, and Jacob has Joseph and the twelve tribes of Israel.

9. The Jewish people with Jacob relocate to Egypt in the 1800's B.C. because of a famine and the blessing of Joseph.

10.  Soon after moving to Egypt the Jewish people are made slaves for 400 years.

11. Moses is born, 1526 B.C.


Major Highlights of Moses' Life:

1. Pharaoh made an edict to kill all Jewish male children, Moses was hidden by his parents, and sent down the Nile River in a basket and was found by Pharaoh's daughter and was raised in Pharaoh's palace, Exodus 2:1-10.

2. As Moses grew up he saw an Egyptian abuse a Jewish slave and killed the Egyptian and then fled to Midian in fear of his life, Exodus 2:11-15.

3. Moses married Zipporah, daughter of a Midian priest named Jethro, and lived as a shepherd for many years in Midian, Exodus 2:16-25.

4. The angel of the Lord (Jesus) appeared to Moses in a burning bush and sent him back to Egypt to deliver the Jewish people, Exodus 3-4.

5. Moses and his brother Aaron went to Pharaoh and commanded him to release the people, only after 10 plagues (water to blood, frogs, gnats, flies, death of livestock, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and death of Egypt's firstborn males) Pharaoh finally released the people, Exodus 7-12.

6. Pharaoh then chased the people and God used Moses to part the Red Sea so the people could pass safely and drown Pharaoh and his army, Exodus 14.

7. Moses then leads the people into the desert and met with God on Mt. Sinai and was given the Law, Exodus 19-24.

8. The Jewish people came to the Promise Land (Israel/Canaan) and sent twelve spies, one from each tribe, only two- Joshua and Caleb came back with positive reports. Therefore, because of the doubt and rebellion of the people God cursed them and said all the people delivered from Egypt would die in the desert and only their children along with Joshua and Caleb would be able to enter the land, Numbers 13-14.  

9. While leading the Jewish people in their rebellion for 40 years Moses loses his temper and "strikes a rock" and is punished by God- his will not be able to enter the land, but only see it, Numbers 20:10-12.

10. Moses appointed Joshua to succeed him and bring the people into the land of Promise, Moses saw the Promise Land from Mt. Nebo, and then died, Deuteronomy 34.


The Major Mistakes of Moses' Life:

1. Anger: Killed an Egyptian most likely trying to act as a "deliverer" without God's leading, Exodus 2:12.

2. Low Self-Esteem: He doubted God's call and made excuses not to be used by God, Exodus 3:11 & Exodus 4:10-14.

3. Lack of Patience & Trust: Due to dealing with the people's constant rebellion and hard hearts, he doesn't wait for God's word- but does what he wants to relieve his stress of the people not having water and "strikes the rock" out of anger twice, Numbers 20:10-12.


How Moses is Viewed in the New Testament:

1. Deliver of Israel: Acts 7:18-44, specifically Acts 7:37.

2. Foremost Teacher of God's Law and Author of the Pentateuch (Gen-Deut/Torah): The phrase "Law of Moses," John 7:23 and "Book of Moses," Mark 12:26- all point to the fact Moses' writings were the foundation of the Jewish faith.  

3. Faithful Servant of God: Hebrews 11:23-30, Moses was a person of great faith in character and in conduct, Hebrews 11:24-25.


Today's Focus on Moses' Humility, "Humble in Serving God"

Sermon Text: Hebrews 3:1-6

1. Moses was called the meekest man on the face of the earth, Numbers 12:3.

2. Quote, "Meekness is not weakness, but rather strength under control."  Moses' true humility was shown in his direct obedience to God- through his faithfulness, Hebrews 3:2.

3. Pride, "is acting and thinking against the purposes and will of God, i.e., 'will of man.'"  The two forms of pride are, "Self-Adorning Pride: To act and think more highly about one;s self than what God says, Exodus 2:14."  "Self-Abasing Pride: To act and think more lowly about one's self than what God says, Exodus 4:10."

4. We are humble like Moses, when we are faithful, (i) "to be" who God calls us to be, (ii) "to say" what He tells us to say, and (iii) "to act" how God commanded us to act, Hebrews 3:5-6.


Sunday Sermon

Extras: Comparison Chart of Moses and Jesus


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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