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Monday, January 21, 2013

Top Three Unique Worship Bands

This is a follow up blog to the previous one in which I spotlighted the obvious lack of creativity in modern worship music and five reasons why.  In this new blog I will share the top five hidden gems of my worship experience that both bless my soul (creative mind) and spirit (union with God)!


1. Benjamin Dunn | All of his work, especially the latest, "Fable," gave me so much joy and hope in today's worship genre.  I sooooo love it!  I have listened to my favorite tracks probably 50x each!  He not only draws you into God's presence but also tells great stories.

Below is a great worship-story-song called, "My Name is Eustace."  My other favorite more worshipful tracks are, "Sing" and "We Came Alive."  Plus, his older stuff is all great- the album, "Love Cloud" is powerful!

2. Will Reagan and United Pursuit | His acoustic stuff is so good, not mention all the work he does with the United Pursuit Band, but I really like his lyrics and heart when its raw without the bells and whistle.  Its like grunge meets folk music with a shot of "boom-shaka-laka" in your belly!  My favorite album of his is, "Live at the Banks House."  Tracks like, "Climb" and "Set a Fire," showed us all that "less" is so "much more" when it comes to deep-heart-felt worship.

Below is one of my favorite tracks, "If I Give it All (Live)."

3. Paul Meany and Elevator Music | Before his band Mute Math, Paul Meany was rocking hard as a worship leader in a local New Orleans church.  I remember him playing in small venues with less than 20 people and him blowing the roof off the place.  Though much of Mute Math is cutting edge rock, he only made one worship album that I'm aware of and I cannot find in digital form- so you gotta go ole' school and buy it from the church on CD.  Some of the best tracks are, "Kiss the River" and "Love Song."

Below is his rendition of "King of Glory," give it the whole go because his unique sounds and prophetic edge don't come out until the middle/end.  But when it does- hold on- its so rad!


Side Notes

1. There are individual songs that have come out that I think are awesome, but as a whole, I don't see them keeping the standard in the worship genre.  For example, Sleeping Giant made a great hardcore worship song called, "Tithemi," and Wavedude did a great dubstep mix of Kim Walker which is great, "Kim Walker Dubstep."   

2. I kept the list short because I really wanted to spotlight those who have changed the game- I will add more as I find them.

3. Please feel free to add any suggestion of those you may have found to pass on.

4. Also, if doctrinal differences or the like exist with the artists they don't cause me at this time to look differently on their music- "sing the meat, spit out the bones!"  If I can rock a Taylor Swift song with my wife, I can appreciate these bands and musicians.

5. Yes, I know about IHOP, Morning Star, and Jake Hamilton- they're all awesome, I just don't think they're game changers.

6. If I was writing this blog five-ten years ago, Delirious? would have been at the top of the list- they were the most cutting edge worship band of their time and really brought rock based worship to another level. As well as David Crowder, their mix of techno/electric was definitely inspiring when it first came out!

7. As I stated in the previous blog I believe Kirk Franklin was a game changer in Gospel music, but because that is not my preferred style of worship music I'll leave that genre for others to write and talk about (though I still rock Kirk, Israel, Mary Mary, Eddie J., and Fred H. when I'm in the mood).

8. Someone commented and reminded me of a label that has the same intention of this blog and actually gives their band's music away for free.  Check em' out and try to discover the newest in cutting edge worship, www.comeandlive.com // Ascend the Hill is a good one to start with!


Daniel L. said...


First off I would like to say great suggestions for people looking into new bands. The Elevator Music album is actually one of my top go-to albums, so much of the "MuteMath sound" within the album. Going off of this I would also like to add some of my personal recommendations:

If you havent checked out United Pursuits new album "Endless Years" you should definitely check it out, top album of last year.

I would say a whole label (yea i said it lol) that is changing the game is Come&Live! (http://comeandlive.com/)

Definitely check them out, they have a numerous of fresh artists on their. My personal favorite is Ascend the Hill (definitely recommend this band) also albums by We Are Creation and The Ember Days. I would keep going about this label but that would be me just naming their whole label roster.

Although David Crowder Band was not much of a game changer recently, their last album that they made (since they are no longer a band) titled, Give Us Rest or (A Requiem Mass in C [The Happiest of All Keys]) is definitely would recommend.

Im always looking for the best new music out there as much can get stale and "blah". Its out there you just got to look REALLY hard.

I definitely like what Mars Hill church's label is doing with its rearrangement of hymns (definitely give this a listen)

If you are looking for a nice compilation of worship music I would recommend downloading any of these compilations:


These are all independently released worship music so you have a nice variety of different styles of worship music.

Good job on this and the previous article P. Joe, keep fighting the good fight against "blaw" music

Joe Wyrostek said...

Great links- I was considering sharing "Ascend the Hill," and I would say David Crowder is also very good! Thanks for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just wanted to share a band you may have not heard of called Twenty One Pilots. Their new CD "Vessels" is fantastic and although it's not exactly "worship" music, they are Christians and God is absolutely present throughout the entire album. I don't even know how to categorize their music, it's a combo of electronic, rap, pop... they really have such a fresh and unique sound that doesn't resemble anything else in the mainstream. Definitely check them out!


Joe Wyrostek said...

Just listened to it- loved it! Thanks for sharing!