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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Easter Service Countdown- Day 17, "Jesus is the Way"

Day 17 - This is a blog leading up to Metro Praise's Easter Service April 24th, 2011. The purpose is to give a short Word to prepare people's hearts for the next season at Metro Praise and to help all grow closer to Jesus.

Today's Word: "Liar, Lunatic, or Lord"

Jesus said to his first disciples almost 2,000 years ago, “I am the way, the truth, and the life;
no one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Jesus declared Himself to be the only mediator between God and man. After reading the words of Christ, one must come to one of three conclusions: Jesus was a liar, a lunatic, or Lord.

First, was Jesus a liar? Did He know He was not the only way to God, but rather chose to
deceive His disciples and receive self-centered glory? According to both history and
Christians, Jesus wasn’t a liar; He was a holy man who lived a good life helping people come to know the God of Israel.

Second, was Jesus a lunatic? Did Jesus suffer from mental illness and therefore He was filled
with self-delusion? Of course not, Jesus was a wise man. Even His enemies could recognize His authority and wisdom. Therefore, Jesus could not have been a lunatic.

Thirdly, was Jesus declaring His Lordship while on earth? Did Jesus really come to earth to
be the only way, the only truth, and the only way to God? Did He really predict and fulfill His
crucifixion and resurrection? Did He really claim to be God’s Son and the Judge of all the
earth? Yes!

The whole Bible, church history, and even many non-Christian witnesses all declare this to be
true. Therefore, the only real intelligent option left is that Jesus was really God in the flesh, the
Lord of Glory. He was sent by the Father to be the only mediator for mankind’s salvation, and
He meant exactly what He said and it is true what his disciples said about Him in the New
Testament (John 1:1-18 & John 3).

Therefore, I bid you to come and bow your knee before your Maker, believe in your heart, and confess Jesus as Lord. Turn from your wicked ways, repent of your sins, and live a life that is according to His commands- your eternal soul is at stake!

Reading: John 10 & 14.

Metro Praise Easter Service will be April 24th at 9am & 11am at 4323 W. Irving Park Rd, Chicago, IL. 60641

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